How to List the Deposition Files#
Before going through this document, please ensure that you know how
to create an instance of the _DepositionFiles
class, depo_file_obj,
by reviewing the How to Work with Deposition Files guide.
In this guide, we work on a new version draft of a deposition uploaded to our Zenodo account with the record ID = 1114771 (see below)
![The deposition form page corresponding to the deposition ID = 1114771](../../_images/file_create.png)
We can get a list of all files uploaded to the deposition with the deposition ID = 1114771 as
>>> depo_file_list = depo_file_obj.list_deposition_files(id_=1114771)
>>> depo_file_list
[<zenopy.record.Record at 0x7fca505505b0>,
<zenopy.record.Record at 0x7fca487b7a90>]
Having a list of deposition files stored in the variable depo_file_list, we can print the file name and file IDs of every member in the list as follows
>>> for f in depo_file_list:
>>> print("[Filename]: %s; \n[File ID]: %s\n" % (f.get("filename"), f.get("id")))
[Filename]: sample2.txt;
[File ID]: 5dfbf589-a8f7-4853-81d8-1b03665f19bf
[Filename]: test.txt;
[File ID]: 21077a2a-d716-48a9-89e5-9b4d0465863a
The File IDs can be used to retrieve single deposition files. See the How to Retrieve a Deposition File guide.