
RDKit Postgres Cartridge#

RDKit PostgreSQL cartridge is a PostgreSQL extension that provides chemical structure handling functionality to the PostgreSQL database. It is based on the RDKit cheminformatics library.

Source Specifications#

MolSSI Container Hub Specifications#

  • Image pull command:

    docker pull molssi/rdkit-postgres162:latest
  • Container run command:

    docker run --name rdkitpostgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 -d molssi/rdkit-postgres162:latest


See the full documentation for the base PostgreSQL image for alternative environment variables and run commands - https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres

Image Specifications#

  • OS/Arch: debian:bookworm-slim

  • Users (UID): root (0)

  • Groups (GID): root (0)

  • Environment variables:


    • POSTGRES_USER: postgres

    • POSTGRES_DB: postgres

  • Volumes: None

  • Network: None

  • Extras:

    • Added directories: None

    • Important packages installed: