Source code for qcelemental.molutil.molecular_formula

import collections
import re
from typing import Dict, List

[docs]def order_molecular_formula(formula: str, order: str = "alphabetical") -> str: r""" Reorders a molecular formula. Parameters ---------- formula A molecular formula order Sorting order of the formula. Valid choices are "alphabetical" and "hill". Returns ------- str The molecular formula. """ matches = re.findall(r"[A-Z][^A-Z]*", formula) if not "".join(matches) == formula: raise ValueError(f"{formula} is not a valid molecular formula.") count: Dict[str, int] = collections.defaultdict(int) for match in matches: match_n = re.match(r"(\D+)(\d*)", match) assert match_n if == "": n = 1 else: n = int( count[] += n symbols = [k for k, v in count.items() for i in range(v)] return molecular_formula_from_symbols(symbols=symbols, order=order)
[docs]def molecular_formula_from_symbols(symbols: List[str], order: str = "alphabetical") -> str: r""" Returns the molecular formula for a list of symbols. Parameters ---------- symbols List of chemical symbols order Sorting order of the formula. Valid choices are "alphabetical" and "hill". Returns ------- str The molecular formula. """ supported_orders = ["alphabetical", "hill"] order = order.lower() if order not in supported_orders: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported molecular formula order: {order}. Supported orders are f{supported_orders}.") count = collections.Counter(x.title() for x in symbols) element_order = sorted(count.keys()) if order == "hill" and "C" in element_order: if "H" in element_order: element_order.insert(0, element_order.pop(element_order.index("H"))) element_order.insert(0, element_order.pop(element_order.index("C"))) ret = [] for k in element_order: c = count[k] ret.append(k) if c > 1: ret.append(str(c)) return "".join(ret)