
Python implementations of the MolSSI QCSchema are available within QCElemental. These models use Pydantic as their base to provide serialization, validation, and manipluation.


Model creation occurs with a kwargs constructor as shown by equivalent operations below:

>>> mol = qcel.models.Molecule(symbols=["He"], geometry=[0, 0, 0])
>>> mol = qcel.models.Molecule(**{"symbols":["He"], "geometry": [0, 0, 0]})

A list of all available fields can be found by querying the fields attribute:

>>> mol.fields.keys()
dict_keys(['symbols', 'geometry', ..., 'id', 'extras'])

These attributes can be accessed as shown:

>>> mol.symbols

Note that these models are typically immutable:

>>> mol.symbols = ["Ne"]
TypeError: "Molecule" is immutable and does not support item assignment

To update or alter a model the copy command can be used with the update kwargs:

>>> mol.copy(update={"symbols": ["Ne"]})
<    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0.0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
    Ne                0.000000000000     0.000000000000     0.000000000000



All models can be serialized back to their dictionary counterparts through the dict function:

>>> mol.dict()
{'symbols': ['He'], 'geometry': array([[0., 0., 0.]])}

JSON representations are supported out of the box for all models:

>>> mol.json()
'{"symbols": ["He"], "geometry": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}'

Raw JSON can also be parsed back into a model:

>>> mol.parse_raw(mol.json())
<    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0.0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
    He                0.000000000000     0.000000000000     0.000000000000


The standard dict operation returns all internal representations which may be classes or other complex structures. To return a JSON-like dictionary the dict function can be used:

>>> mol.dict(encoding='json')
{'symbols': ['He'], 'geometry': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}