from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Union
import numpy as np
from ..exceptions import ValidationError
from ..physical_constants import constants
from ..util import unnp
from .to_string import formula_generator
[docs]def to_schema(
molrec: Dict[str, Any], dtype: Union[str, int], units: str = "Bohr", *, np_out: bool = False, copy: bool = True
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
r"""Translate molparse internal Molecule spec into dictionary from other schemas.
Psi4 json Molecule spec.
{'psi4', 1, 2}
Molecule schema format.
``1`` is V1 + #44 + #53
``2`` is ``1`` with internal schema_name/version (
{'Bohr', 'Angstrom'}
Units in which to write string. There is not an option to write in
intrinsic/input units. Some `dtype` may not allow all units.
When `True`, fields originating from geom, elea, elez, elem, mass, real, elbl will be ndarray.
Use `False` to get a json-able version.
qcschema : dict
Dictionary of the `dtype` repr of `molrec`.
qcschema: Dict = {}
geom = np.array(molrec["geom"], copy=copy)
if molrec["units"] == "Bohr" and units == "Bohr":
elif molrec["units"] == "Angstrom" and units == "Bohr" and "input_units_to_au" in molrec:
geom = geom * molrec["input_units_to_au"]
geom = geom * constants.conversion_factor(molrec["units"], units)
nat = geom.shape[0] // 3
name = molrec.get("name", formula_generator(molrec["elem"]))
# tagline = """auto-generated by qcdb from molecule {}""".format(name)
if dtype == "psi4":
if units not in ["Angstrom", "Bohr"]:
raise ValidationError(
"""Psi4 Schema {} allows only 'Bohr'/'Angstrom' coordinates, not {}.""".format(dtype, units)
qcschema = deepcopy(molrec)
qcschema["geom"] = geom
qcschema["units"] = units
qcschema["name"] = name
elif dtype in [1, 2]:
if units != "Bohr":
raise ValidationError("""QCSchema {} allows only 'Bohr' coordinates, not {}.""".format(dtype, units))
molecule: Dict = {}
molecule["validated"] = True
molecule["symbols"] = np.array(molrec["elem"], copy=copy)
molecule["geometry"] = geom
molecule["masses"] = np.array(molrec["mass"], copy=copy)
molecule["atomic_numbers"] = np.array(molrec["elez"], copy=copy)
molecule["mass_numbers"] = np.array(molrec["elea"], copy=copy)
molecule["atom_labels"] = np.array(molrec["elbl"], copy=copy)
molecule["name"] = name
if "comment" in molrec:
molecule["comment"] = molrec["comment"]
molecule["molecular_charge"] = molrec["molecular_charge"]
molecule["molecular_multiplicity"] = molrec["molecular_multiplicity"]
molecule["real"] = np.array(molrec["real"], copy=copy)
fidx = np.split(np.arange(nat), molrec["fragment_separators"])
molecule["fragments"] = [fr.tolist() for fr in fidx]
molecule["fragment_charges"] = np.array(molrec["fragment_charges"]).tolist()
molecule["fragment_multiplicities"] = np.array(molrec["fragment_multiplicities"]).tolist()
molecule["fix_com"] = molrec["fix_com"]
molecule["fix_orientation"] = molrec["fix_orientation"]
if "fix_symmetry" in molrec:
molecule["fix_symmetry"] = molrec["fix_symmetry"]
molecule["provenance"] = deepcopy(molrec["provenance"])
if "connectivity" in molrec:
molecule["connectivity"] = deepcopy(molrec["connectivity"])
if dtype == 1:
qcschema = {"schema_name": "qcschema_input", "schema_version": 1, "molecule": molecule}
elif dtype == 2:
qcschema = molecule
qcschema.update({"schema_name": "qcschema_molecule", "schema_version": 2})
raise ValidationError(
"Schema dtype not understood, valid options are {{'psi4', 1, 2}}. Found {}.".format(dtype)
if not np_out:
qcschema = unnp(qcschema)
return qcschema
# if return_type == 'json':
# return json.dumps(qcschema)
# elif return_type == 'yaml':
# import yaml
# return yaml.dump(qcschema)
# else:
# raise ValidationError("""Return type ({}) not recognized.""".format(return_type))