Source code for qcelemental.models.results

from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Set, Union

import numpy as np

    from pydantic.v1 import Field, constr, validator
except ImportError:  # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
    from pydantic import Field, constr, validator

from ..util import provenance_stamp
from .basemodels import ProtoModel, qcschema_draft
from .basis import BasisSet
from .common_models import ComputeError, DriverEnum, Model, Provenance, qcschema_input_default, qcschema_output_default
from .molecule import Molecule
from .types import Array

        from pydantic.v1.typing import ReprArgs
    except ImportError:  # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
        from pydantic.typing import ReprArgs

[docs]class AtomicResultProperties(ProtoModel): r""" Named properties of quantum chemistry computations following the MolSSI QCSchema. All arrays are stored flat but must be reshapable into the dimensions in attribute ``shape``, with abbreviations as follows: * nao: number of atomic orbitals = :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicResultProperties.calcinfo_nbasis` * nmo: number of molecular orbitals = :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicResultProperties.calcinfo_nmo` """ # Calcinfo calcinfo_nbasis: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of basis functions for the computation.") calcinfo_nmo: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of molecular orbitals for the computation.") calcinfo_nalpha: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of alpha electrons in the computation.") calcinfo_nbeta: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of beta electrons in the computation.") calcinfo_natom: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of atoms in the computation.") # Canonical nuclear_repulsion_energy: Optional[float] = Field(None, description="The nuclear repulsion energy.") return_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description=f"The energy of the requested method, identical to :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicResult.return_result` for :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicInput.driver`\\ =\\ :attr:`` computations.", ) return_gradient: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description=f"The gradient of the requested method, identical to :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicResult.return_result` for :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicInput.driver`\\ =\\ :attr:`~qcelemental.models.DriverEnum.gradient` computations.", units="E_h/a0", ) return_hessian: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description=f"The Hessian of the requested method, identical to :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicResult.return_result` for :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicInput.driver`\\ =\\ :attr:`~qcelemental.models.DriverEnum.hessian` computations.", units="E_h/a0^2", ) # SCF Keywords scf_one_electron_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The one-electron (core Hamiltonian) energy contribution to the total SCF energy.", units="E_h", ) scf_two_electron_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The two-electron energy contribution to the total SCF energy.", units="E_h", ) scf_vv10_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The VV10 functional energy contribution to the total SCF energy.", units="E_h", ) scf_xc_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The functional (XC) energy contribution to the total SCF energy.", units="E_h", ) scf_dispersion_correction_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The dispersion correction appended to an underlying functional when a DFT-D method is requested.", units="E_h", ) scf_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The SCF X, Y, and Z dipole components", units="e a0", ) scf_quadrupole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The quadrupole components (redundant; 6 unique).", shape=[3, 3], units="e a0^2", ) scf_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total electronic energy of the SCF stage of the calculation.", units="E_h", ) scf_total_gradient: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The total electronic gradient of the SCF stage of the calculation.", units="E_h/a0", ) scf_total_hessian: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The total electronic Hessian of the SCF stage of the calculation.", units="E_h/a0^2", ) scf_iterations: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of SCF iterations taken before convergence.") # MP2 Keywords mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The portion of MP2 doubles correlation energy from same-spin (i.e. triplet) correlations, without any user scaling.", units="E_h", ) mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The portion of MP2 doubles correlation energy from opposite-spin (i.e. singlet) correlations, without any user scaling.", units="E_h", ) mp2_singles_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The singles portion of the MP2 correlation energy. Zero except in ROHF.", units="E_h", ) mp2_doubles_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The doubles portion of the MP2 correlation energy including same-spin and opposite-spin correlations.", units="E_h", ) mp2_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The MP2 correlation energy.", units="E_h", ) mp2_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total MP2 energy (MP2 correlation energy + HF energy).", units="E_h", ) mp2_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The MP2 X, Y, and Z dipole components.", shape=[3], units="e a0", ) # CCSD Keywords ccsd_same_spin_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The portion of CCSD doubles correlation energy from same-spin (i.e. triplet) correlations, without any user scaling.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The portion of CCSD doubles correlation energy from opposite-spin (i.e. singlet) correlations, without any user scaling.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_singles_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The singles portion of the CCSD correlation energy. Zero except in ROHF.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_doubles_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The doubles portion of the CCSD correlation energy including same-spin and opposite-spin correlations.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The CCSD correlation energy.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total CCSD energy (CCSD correlation energy + HF energy).", units="E_h", ) ccsd_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The CCSD X, Y, and Z dipole components.", shape=[3], units="e a0", ) ccsd_iterations: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="The number of CCSD iterations taken before convergence.") # CCSD(T) keywords ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The CCSD(T) correlation energy.", units="E_h", ) ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total CCSD(T) energy (CCSD(T) correlation energy + HF energy).", units="E_h", ) ccsd_prt_pr_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The CCSD(T) X, Y, and Z dipole components.", shape=[3], units="e a0", ) # CCSDT keywords ccsdt_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The CCSDT correlation energy.", units="E_h", ) ccsdt_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total CCSDT energy (CCSDT correlation energy + HF energy).", units="E_h", ) ccsdt_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The CCSDT X, Y, and Z dipole components.", shape=[3], units="e a0", ) ccsdt_iterations: Optional[int] = Field( None, description="The number of CCSDT iterations taken before convergence." ) # CCSDTQ keywords ccsdtq_correlation_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The CCSDTQ correlation energy.", units="E_h", ) ccsdtq_total_energy: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The total CCSDTQ energy (CCSDTQ correlation energy + HF energy).", units="E_h", ) ccsdtq_dipole_moment: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="The CCSDTQ X, Y, and Z dipole components.", shape=[3], units="e a0", ) ccsdtq_iterations: Optional[int] = Field( None, description="The number of CCSDTQ iterations taken before convergence." ) class Config(ProtoModel.Config): force_skip_defaults = True def __repr_args__(self) -> "ReprArgs": return [(k, v) for k, v in self.dict().items()] @validator( "scf_dipole_moment", "mp2_dipole_moment", "ccsd_dipole_moment", "ccsd_prt_pr_dipole_moment", "scf_quadrupole_moment", ) def _validate_poles(cls, v, values, field): if v is None: return v if"_dipole_moment"): order = 1 elif"_quadrupole_moment"): order = 2 shape = tuple([3] * order) return np.asarray(v).reshape(shape) @validator( "return_gradient", "return_hessian", "scf_total_gradient", "scf_total_hessian", ) def _validate_derivs(cls, v, values, field): if v is None: return v nat = values.get("calcinfo_natom", None) if nat is None: raise ValueError(f"Please also set ``calcinfo_natom``!") if"_gradient"): shape = (nat, 3) elif"_hessian"): shape = (3 * nat, 3 * nat) try: v = np.asarray(v).reshape(shape) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError(f"Derivative must be castable to shape {shape}!") return v
[docs] def dict(self, *args, **kwargs): # pure-json dict repr for QCFractal compliance, see # Sep 2021: commenting below for now to allow recomposing for qcdb. # This will break QCFractal tests for now, but future qcf will be ok with it. # kwargs["encoding"] = "json" return super().dict(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class WavefunctionProperties(ProtoModel): r"""Wavefunction properties resulting from a computation. Matrix quantities are stored in column-major order. Presence and contents configurable by protocol.""" # Class properties _return_results_names: Set[str] = { "orbitals_a", "orbitals_b", "density_a", "density_b", "fock_a", "fock_b", "eigenvalues_a", "eigenvalues_b", "occupations_a", "occupations_b", } # The full basis set description of the quantities basis: BasisSet = Field(..., description=str(BasisSet.__doc__)) restricted: bool = Field( ..., description=str( "If the computation was restricted or not (alpha == beta). If True, all beta quantities are skipped." ), ) # Core Hamiltonian h_core_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Alpha-spin core (one-electron) Hamiltonian in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) h_core_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Beta-spin core (one-electron) Hamiltonian in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) h_effective_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Alpha-spin effective core (one-electron) Hamiltonian in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) h_effective_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Beta-spin effective core (one-electron) Hamiltonian in the AO basis", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) # SCF Results scf_orbitals_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin orbitals in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nmo"] ) scf_orbitals_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin orbitals in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nmo"] ) scf_density_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin density matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_density_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin density matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_fock_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin Fock matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_fock_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin Fock matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_eigenvalues_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin orbital eigenvalues.", shape=["nmo"] ) scf_eigenvalues_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin orbital eigenvalues.", shape=["nmo"] ) scf_occupations_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin orbital occupations.", shape=["nmo"] ) scf_occupations_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin orbital occupations.", shape=["nmo"] ) # BELOW from qcsk scf_coulomb_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin Coulomb matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_coulomb_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin Coulomb matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_exchange_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF alpha-spin exchange matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) scf_exchange_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="SCF beta-spin exchange matrix in the AO basis.", shape=["nao", "nao"] ) # Localized-orbital SCF wavefunction quantities localized_orbitals_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Localized alpha-spin orbitals in the AO basis. All nmo orbitals are included, even if only a subset were localized.", shape=["nao", "nmo"], ) localized_orbitals_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Localized beta-spin orbitals in the AO basis. All nmo orbitals are included, even if only a subset were localized.", shape=["nao", "nmo"], ) localized_fock_a: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Alpha-spin Fock matrix in the localized molecular orbital basis. All nmo orbitals are included, even if only a subset were localized.", shape=["nmo", "nmo"], ) localized_fock_b: Optional[Array[float]] = Field( None, description="Beta-spin Fock matrix in the localized molecular orbital basis. All nmo orbitals are included, even if only a subset were localized.", shape=["nmo", "nmo"], ) # ABOVE from qcsk # Return results, must be defined last orbitals_a: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the alpha-spin orbitals of the primary return.") orbitals_b: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the beta-spin orbitals of the primary return.") density_a: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the alpha-spin density of the primary return.") density_b: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the beta-spin density of the primary return.") fock_a: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the alpha-spin Fock matrix of the primary return.") fock_b: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Index to the beta-spin Fock matrix of the primary return.") eigenvalues_a: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Index to the alpha-spin orbital eigenvalues of the primary return." ) eigenvalues_b: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Index to the beta-spin orbital eigenvalues of the primary return." ) occupations_a: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Index to the alpha-spin orbital occupations of the primary return." ) occupations_b: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Index to the beta-spin orbital occupations of the primary return." ) class Config(ProtoModel.Config): force_skip_defaults = True @validator("scf_eigenvalues_a", "scf_eigenvalues_b", "scf_occupations_a", "scf_occupations_b") def _assert1d(cls, v, values): try: v = v.reshape(-1) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("Vector must be castable to shape (-1, )!") return v @validator("scf_orbitals_a", "scf_orbitals_b") def _assert2d_nao_x(cls, v, values): bas = values.get("basis", None) # Do not raise multiple errors if bas is None: return v try: v = v.reshape(bas.nbf, -1) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("Matrix must be castable to shape (nbf, -1)!") return v @validator( "h_core_a", "h_core_b", "h_effective_a", "h_effective_b", # SCF "scf_density_a", "scf_density_b", "scf_fock_a", "scf_fock_b", ) def _assert2d(cls, v, values): bas = values.get("basis", None) # Do not raise multiple errors if bas is None: return v try: v = v.reshape(bas.nbf, bas.nbf) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("Matrix must be castable to shape (nbf, nbf)!") return v @validator( "orbitals_a", "orbitals_b", "density_a", "density_b", "fock_a", "fock_b", "eigenvalues_a", "eigenvalues_b", "occupations_a", "occupations_b", ) def _assert_exists(cls, v, values): if values.get(v, None) is None: raise ValueError(f"Return quantity {v} does not exist in the values.") return v
class WavefunctionProtocolEnum(str, Enum): r"""Wavefunction to keep from a computation.""" all = "all" orbitals_and_eigenvalues = "orbitals_and_eigenvalues" occupations_and_eigenvalues = "occupations_and_eigenvalues" return_results = "return_results" none = "none" class ErrorCorrectionProtocol(ProtoModel): r"""Configuration for how QCEngine handles error correction WARNING: These protocols are currently experimental and only supported by NWChem tasks """ default_policy: bool = Field( True, description="Whether to allow error corrections to be used " "if not directly specified in `policies`" ) # TODO (wardlt): Consider support for common policies (e.g., 'only increase iterations') as strings (see #182) policies: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = Field( None, description="Settings that define whether specific error corrections are allowed. " "Keys are the name of a known error and values are whether it is allowed to be used.", ) def allows(self, policy: str): if self.policies is None: return self.default_policy return self.policies.get(policy, self.default_policy) class NativeFilesProtocolEnum(str, Enum): r"""CMS program files to keep from a computation.""" all = "all" input = "input" none = "none"
[docs]class AtomicResultProtocols(ProtoModel): r"""Protocols regarding the manipulation of computational result data.""" wavefunction: WavefunctionProtocolEnum = Field( WavefunctionProtocolEnum.none, description=str(WavefunctionProtocolEnum.__doc__) ) stdout: bool = Field(True, description="Primary output file to keep from the computation") error_correction: ErrorCorrectionProtocol = Field( default_factory=ErrorCorrectionProtocol, description="Policies for error correction" ) native_files: NativeFilesProtocolEnum = Field( NativeFilesProtocolEnum.none, description="Policies for keeping processed files from the computation", ) class Config: force_skip_defaults = True
### Primary models
[docs]class AtomicInput(ProtoModel): r"""The MolSSI Quantum Chemistry Schema""" id: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The optional ID for the computation.") schema_name: constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="^(qc_?schema_input)$") = Field( # type: ignore qcschema_input_default, description=( f"The QCSchema specification this model conforms to. Explicitly fixed as {qcschema_input_default}." ), ) schema_version: int = Field( 1, description="The version number of :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicInput.schema_name` to which this model conforms.", ) molecule: Molecule = Field(..., description="The molecule to use in the computation.") driver: DriverEnum = Field(..., description=str(DriverEnum.__doc__)) model: Model = Field(..., description=str(Model.__doc__)) keywords: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="The program-specific keywords to be used.") protocols: AtomicResultProtocols = Field(AtomicResultProtocols(), description=str(AtomicResultProtocols.__doc__)) extras: Dict[str, Any] = Field( {}, description="Additional information to bundle with the computation. Use for schema development and scratch space.", ) provenance: Provenance = Field( default_factory=partial(provenance_stamp, __name__), description=str(Provenance.__doc__) ) class Config(ProtoModel.Config): def schema_extra(schema, model): schema["$schema"] = qcschema_draft def __repr_args__(self) -> "ReprArgs": return [ ("driver", self.driver.value), ("model", self.model.dict()), ("molecule_hash", self.molecule.get_hash()[:7]), ]
[docs]class AtomicResult(AtomicInput): r"""Results from a CMS program execution.""" schema_name: constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="^(qc_?schema_output)$") = Field( # type: ignore qcschema_output_default, description=( f"The QCSchema specification this model conforms to. Explicitly fixed as {qcschema_output_default}." ), ) properties: AtomicResultProperties = Field(..., description=str(AtomicResultProperties.__doc__)) wavefunction: Optional[WavefunctionProperties] = Field(None, description=str(WavefunctionProperties.__doc__)) return_result: Union[float, Array[float], Dict[str, Any]] = Field( ..., description="The primary return specified by the :attr:`~qcelemental.models.AtomicInput.driver` field. Scalar if energy; array if gradient or hessian; dictionary with property keys if properties.", ) # type: ignore stdout: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="The primary logging output of the program, whether natively standard output or a file. Presence vs. absence (or null-ness?) configurable by protocol.", ) stderr: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard error of the program execution.") native_files: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="DSL files.") success: bool = Field(..., description="The success of program execution. If False, other fields may be blank.") error: Optional[ComputeError] = Field(None, description=str(ComputeError.__doc__)) provenance: Provenance = Field(..., description=str(Provenance.__doc__)) @validator("schema_name", pre=True) def _input_to_output(cls, v): r"""If qcschema_input is passed in, cast it to output, otherwise no""" if v.lower().strip() in [qcschema_input_default, qcschema_output_default]: return qcschema_output_default raise ValueError( "Only {0} or {1} is allowed for schema_name, " "which will be converted to {0}".format(qcschema_output_default, qcschema_input_default) ) @validator("return_result") def _validate_return_result(cls, v, values): if values["driver"] == "gradient": v = np.asarray(v).reshape(-1, 3) elif values["driver"] == "hessian": v = np.asarray(v) nsq = int(v.size**0.5) v.shape = (nsq, nsq) return v @validator("wavefunction", pre=True) def _wavefunction_protocol(cls, value, values): # We are pre, gotta do extra checks if value is None: return value elif isinstance(value, dict): wfn = value.copy() elif isinstance(value, WavefunctionProperties): wfn = value.dict() else: raise ValueError("wavefunction must be None, a dict, or a WavefunctionProperties object.") # Do not propagate validation errors if "protocols" not in values: raise ValueError("Protocols was not properly formed.") # Handle restricted restricted = wfn.get("restricted", None) if restricted is None: raise ValueError("`restricted` is required.") if restricted: for k in list(wfn.keys()): if k.endswith("_b"): wfn.pop(k) # Handle protocols wfnp = values["protocols"].wavefunction return_keep = None if wfnp == "all": pass elif wfnp == "none": wfn = None elif wfnp == "return_results": return_keep = [ "orbitals_a", "orbitals_b", "density_a", "density_b", "fock_a", "fock_b", "eigenvalues_a", "eigenvalues_b", "occupations_a", "occupations_b", ] elif wfnp == "orbitals_and_eigenvalues": return_keep = ["orbitals_a", "orbitals_b", "eigenvalues_a", "eigenvalues_b"] elif wfnp == "occupations_and_eigenvalues": return_keep = ["occupations_a", "occupations_b", "eigenvalues_a", "eigenvalues_b"] else: raise ValueError(f"Protocol `wavefunction:{wfnp}` is not understood.") if return_keep is not None: ret_wfn = {"restricted": restricted} if "basis" in wfn: ret_wfn["basis"] = wfn["basis"] for rk in return_keep: key = wfn.get(rk, None) if key is None: continue ret_wfn[rk] = key ret_wfn[key] = wfn[key] return ret_wfn else: return wfn @validator("stdout") def _stdout_protocol(cls, value, values): # Do not propagate validation errors if "protocols" not in values: raise ValueError("Protocols was not properly formed.") outp = values["protocols"].stdout if outp is True: return value elif outp is False: return None else: raise ValueError(f"Protocol `stdout:{outp}` is not understood") @validator("native_files") def _native_file_protocol(cls, value, values): ancp = values["protocols"].native_files if ancp == "all": return value elif ancp == "none": return {} elif ancp == "input": return_keep = ["input"] if value is None: files = {} else: files = value.copy() else: raise ValueError(f"Protocol `native_files:{ancp}` is not understood") ret = {} for rk in return_keep: ret[rk] = files.get(rk, None) return ret
[docs]class ResultProperties(AtomicResultProperties): """QC Result Properties Schema. .. deprecated:: 0.12 Use :py:func:`qcelemental.models.AtomicResultProperties` instead. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn( "ResultProperties has been renamed to AtomicResultProperties and will be removed as soon as v0.13.0", DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ResultProtocols(AtomicResultProtocols): """QC Result Protocols Schema. .. deprecated:: 0.12 Use :py:func:`qcelemental.models.AtomicResultProtocols` instead. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn( "ResultProtocols has been renamed to AtomicResultProtocols and will be removed as soon as v0.13.0", DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ResultInput(AtomicInput): """QC Input Schema. .. deprecated:: 0.12 Use :py:func:`qcelemental.models.AtomicInput` instead. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn("ResultInput has been renamed to AtomicInput and will be removed as soon as v0.13.0", DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Result(AtomicResult): """QC Result Schema. .. deprecated:: 0.12 Use :py:func:`qcelemental.models.AtomicResult` instead. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn("Result has been renamed to AtomicResult and will be removed as soon as v0.13.0", DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)