from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
# remove when minimum py38
from typing_extensions import Literal
from pydantic.v1 import Field, conlist, constr, validator
except ImportError: # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
from pydantic import Field, conlist, constr, validator
from ..util import provenance_stamp
from .basemodels import ProtoModel
from .common_models import (
from .molecule import Molecule
from .results import AtomicResult
from pydantic.v1.typing import ReprArgs
except ImportError: # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
from pydantic.typing import ReprArgs
class TrajectoryProtocolEnum(str, Enum):
Which gradient evaluations to keep in an optimization trajectory.
all = "all"
initial_and_final = "initial_and_final"
final = "final"
none = "none"
class OptimizationProtocols(ProtoModel):
Protocols regarding the manipulation of a Optimization output data.
trajectory: TrajectoryProtocolEnum = Field(
TrajectoryProtocolEnum.all, description=str(TrajectoryProtocolEnum.__doc__)
class Config:
force_skip_defaults = True
class QCInputSpecification(ProtoModel):
A compute description for energy, gradient, and Hessian computations used in a geometry optimization.
schema_name: Literal["qcschema_input"] = Field(qcschema_input_default)
schema_version: int = 1
driver: DriverEnum = Field(DriverEnum.gradient, description=str(DriverEnum.__doc__))
model: Model = Field(..., description=str(Model.__doc__))
keywords: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="The program specific keywords to be used.")
extras: Dict[str, Any] = Field(
description="Additional information to bundle with the computation. Use for schema development and scratch space.",
[docs]class OptimizationResult(OptimizationInput):
"""QCSchema results model for geometry optimization."""
schema_name: constr( # type: ignore
strip_whitespace=True, regex=qcschema_optimization_output_default
) = qcschema_optimization_output_default
final_molecule: Optional[Molecule] = Field(..., description="The final molecule of the geometry optimization.")
trajectory: List[AtomicResult] = Field(
..., description="A list of ordered Result objects for each step in the optimization."
energies: List[float] = Field(..., description="A list of ordered energies for each step in the optimization.")
stdout: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard output of the program.")
stderr: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard error of the program.")
success: bool = Field(
..., description="The success of a given programs execution. If False, other fields may be blank."
error: Optional[ComputeError] = Field(None, description=str(ComputeError.__doc__))
provenance: Provenance = Field(..., description=str(Provenance.__doc__))
@validator("trajectory", each_item=False)
def _trajectory_protocol(cls, v, values):
# Do not propogate validation errors
if "protocols" not in values:
raise ValueError("Protocols was not properly formed.")
keep_enum = values["protocols"].trajectory
if keep_enum == "all":
elif keep_enum == "initial_and_final":
if len(v) != 2:
v = [v[0], v[-1]]
elif keep_enum == "final":
if len(v) != 1:
v = [v[-1]]
elif keep_enum == "none":
v = []
raise ValueError(f"Protocol `trajectory:{keep_enum}` is not understood.")
return v
class OptimizationSpecification(ProtoModel):
A specification for how a geometry optimization should be performed **inside** of
another procedure.
* This class is still provisional and may be subject to removal and re-design.
schema_name: constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="qcschema_optimization_specification") = "qcschema_optimization_specification" # type: ignore
schema_version: int = 1
procedure: str = Field(..., description="Optimization procedure to run the optimization with.")
keywords: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="The optimization specific keywords to be used.")
protocols: OptimizationProtocols = Field(OptimizationProtocols(), description=str(OptimizationProtocols.__doc__))
def _check_procedure(cls, v):
return v.lower()
class TDKeywords(ProtoModel):
TorsionDriveRecord options
* This class is still provisional and may be subject to removal and re-design.
dihedrals: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = Field(
description="The list of dihedrals to select for the TorsionDrive operation. Each entry is a tuple of integers "
"of for particle indices.",
grid_spacing: List[int] = Field(
description="List of grid spacing for dihedral scan in degrees. Multiple values will be mapped to each "
"dihedral angle.",
dihedral_ranges: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = Field(
description="A list of dihedral range limits as a pair (lower, upper). "
"Each range corresponds to the dihedrals in input.",
energy_decrease_thresh: Optional[float] = Field(
description="The threshold of the smallest energy decrease amount to trigger activating optimizations from "
"grid point.",
energy_upper_limit: Optional[float] = Field(
description="The threshold if the energy of a grid point that is higher than the current global minimum, to "
"start new optimizations, in unit of a.u. I.e. if energy_upper_limit = 0.05, current global "
"minimum energy is -9.9 , then a new task starting with energy -9.8 will be skipped.",
class TorsionDriveInput(ProtoModel):
"""Inputs for running a torsion drive.
* This class is still provisional and may be subject to removal and re-design.
schema_name: constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex=qcschema_torsion_drive_input_default) = qcschema_torsion_drive_input_default # type: ignore
schema_version: int = 1
keywords: TDKeywords = Field(..., description="The torsion drive specific keywords to be used.")
extras: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="Extra fields that are not part of the schema.")
input_specification: QCInputSpecification = Field(..., description=str(QCInputSpecification.__doc__))
initial_molecule: conlist(item_type=Molecule, min_items=1) = Field(
..., description="The starting molecule(s) for the torsion drive."
optimization_spec: OptimizationSpecification = Field(
..., description="Settings to use for optimizations at each grid angle."
provenance: Provenance = Field(Provenance(**provenance_stamp(__name__)), description=str(Provenance.__doc__))
def _check_input_specification(cls, value):
assert value.driver == DriverEnum.gradient, "driver must be set to gradient"
return value
class TorsionDriveResult(TorsionDriveInput):
"""Results from running a torsion drive.
* This class is still provisional and may be subject to removal and re-design.
schema_name: constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex=qcschema_torsion_drive_output_default) = qcschema_torsion_drive_output_default # type: ignore
schema_version: int = 1
final_energies: Dict[str, float] = Field(
..., description="The final energy at each angle of the TorsionDrive scan."
final_molecules: Dict[str, Molecule] = Field(
..., description="The final molecule at each angle of the TorsionDrive scan."
optimization_history: Dict[str, List[OptimizationResult]] = Field(
description="The map of each angle of the TorsionDrive scan to each optimization computations.",
stdout: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard output of the program.")
stderr: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard error of the program.")
success: bool = Field(
..., description="The success of a given programs execution. If False, other fields may be blank."
error: Optional[ComputeError] = Field(None, description=str(ComputeError.__doc__))
provenance: Provenance = Field(..., description=str(Provenance.__doc__))
def Optimization(*args, **kwargs):
"""QC Optimization Results Schema.
.. deprecated:: 0.12
Use :py:func:`qcelemental.models.OptimizationResult` instead.
from warnings import warn
"Optimization has been renamed to OptimizationResult and will be removed as soon as v0.13.0", DeprecationWarning
return OptimizationResult(*args, **kwargs)