from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from pydantic.v1 import Field
except ImportError: # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
from pydantic import Field
from .basemodels import ProtoModel, qcschema_draft
from .basis import BasisSet
from pydantic.v1.typing import ReprArgs
except ImportError: # Will also trap ModuleNotFoundError
from pydantic.typing import ReprArgs
# Encoders, to be deprecated
ndarray_encoder = {np.ndarray: lambda v: v.flatten().tolist()}
[docs]class Provenance(ProtoModel):
"""Provenance information."""
creator: str = Field(..., description="The name of the program, library, or person who created the object.")
version: str = Field(
description="The version of the creator, blank otherwise. This should be sortable by the very broad `PEP 440 <>`_.",
routine: str = Field("", description="The name of the routine or function within the creator, blank otherwise.")
class Config(ProtoModel.Config):
canonical_repr = True
extra: str = "allow"
def schema_extra(schema, model):
schema["$schema"] = qcschema_draft
class Model(ProtoModel):
"""The computational molecular sciences model to run."""
method: str = Field( # type: ignore
description="The quantum chemistry method to evaluate (e.g., B3LYP, PBE, ...). "
"For MM, name of the force field.",
basis: Optional[Union[str, BasisSet]] = Field( # type: ignore
description="The quantum chemistry basis set to evaluate (e.g., 6-31g, cc-pVDZ, ...). Can be ``None`` for "
"methods without basis sets. For molecular mechanics, name of the atom-typer.",
# basis_spec: BasisSpec = None # This should be exclusive with basis, but for now will be omitted
class Config(ProtoModel.Config):
canonical_repr = True
extra: str = "allow"
[docs]class DriverEnum(str, Enum):
"""Allowed computation driver values."""
energy = "energy"
gradient = "gradient"
hessian = "hessian"
properties = "properties"
[docs] def derivative_int(self):
egh = ["energy", "gradient", "hessian", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]
if self == "properties":
return 0
return egh.index(self)
[docs]class ComputeError(ProtoModel):
"""Complete description of the error from an unsuccessful program execution."""
error_type: str = Field( # type: ignore
..., # Error enumeration not yet strict
description="The type of error which was thrown. Restrict this field to short classifiers e.g. 'input_error'. Suggested classifiers:",
error_message: str = Field( # type: ignore
description="Text associated with the thrown error. This is often the backtrace, but it can contain additional "
"information as well.",
extras: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field( # type: ignore
description="Additional information to bundle with the error.",
class Config:
repr_style = ["error_type", "error_message"]
def __repr_args__(self) -> "ReprArgs":
return [("error_type", self.error_type), ("error_message", self.error_message)]
[docs]class FailedOperation(ProtoModel):
"""Record indicating that a given operation (program, procedure, etc.) has failed and containing the reason and input data which generated the failure."""
id: str = Field( # type: ignore
description="A unique identifier which links this FailedOperation, often of the same Id of the operation "
"should it have been successful. This will often be set programmatically by a database such as "
input_data: Any = Field( # type: ignore
description="The input data which was passed in that generated this failure. This should be the complete "
"input which when attempted to be run, caused the operation to fail.",
success: bool = Field( # type: ignore
description="A boolean indicator that the operation failed consistent with the model of successful operations. "
"Should always be False. Allows programmatic assessment of all operations regardless of if they failed or "
error: ComputeError = Field( # type: ignore
description="A container which has details of the error that failed this operation. See the "
":class:`ComputeError` for more details.",
extras: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field( # type: ignore
description="Additional information to bundle with the failed operation. Details which pertain specifically "
"to a thrown error should be contained in the `error` field. See :class:`ComputeError` for details.",
def __repr_args__(self) -> "ReprArgs":
return [("error", self.error)]
qcschema_input_default = "qcschema_input"
qcschema_output_default = "qcschema_output"
qcschema_optimization_input_default = "qcschema_optimization_input"
qcschema_optimization_output_default = "qcschema_optimization_output"
qcschema_torsion_drive_input_default = "qcschema_torsion_drive_input"
qcschema_torsion_drive_output_default = "qcschema_torsion_drive_output"
qcschema_molecule_default = "qcschema_molecule"