The most fundamental and general model for representing molecules in MMElemental is with the Molecule model.
Overview & Instantiation
Molecule objects can be created by supplying keyword arguments to the constructor. Per the MMSchema specification, the only required keyword argument is symbols while all other fields being optional. Hence, the simplest way to create a molecule is via:
>>> mol = mmelemental.models.Molecule(symbols = ["O", "H", "H"])
This creates a Molecule object with a unique hash code and a name that defaults to the molecular formula (can be overwritten with the keyword arg name).
>>> mol
Molecule(name='H2O', hash='83a5d8a')
We can visualize this molecule if we’re using Jupyter notebook/lab with nglview. In order to do that, we need to specify the atomic positions by passing the geometry keyword to the constructor i.e.
>>> mol = mmelemental.models.Molecule(
>>> symbols = ["O", "H", "H"],
>>> geometry = [2.0, 2.09, 0.0, 2.82, 2.09, 0.58, 1.18, 2.09, 0.58],
>>> )
>>> mol
Molecule(name='H2O', hash='631741f')
Notice how the hash code changed because we’ve specified another core field (geometry) in the molecule model i.e. the molecule definition has physically changed. In contrast, if we change a property such as the name of the molecule, its hash code remains the same i.e.
>>> mol = mmelemental.models.Molecule(
>>> name = "water",
>>> symbols = ["O", "H", "H"],
>>> geometry = [2.0, 2.09, 0.0, 2.82, 2.09, 0.58, 1.18, 2.09, 0.58],
>>> )
>>> mol
Molecule(name='H2O', hash='631741f')
We can visualize this molecule if nglview is installed:
>>> import nglview
>>> nglview.show_mmelemental(mol)
NGLview guesses the connectivity or bonds in a given molecule. We can, however, specify the connectivity (and the bond order).
>>> mol = mmelemental.models.Molecule(
>>> symbols = ["O", "H", "H"],
>>> geometry = [2.0, 2.09, 0.0, 2.82, 2.09, 0.58, 1.18, 2.09, 0.58],
>>> connectivity = [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0)],
>>> )
>>> mol
Molecule(name='H2O', hash='18705f4')
Since connectivity changes the physical definition of a molecule, the hash code changes when connectivity is specified or modified. Note that the connectivity field should always be a list of tuple of the form (atom1_index, atom2_index, bond_order). Otherwise, pydantic will throw in a validation error.
Under the hood, all array fields are cast as numpy arrays, and every field set by the user becomes accessible (but cannot be modified since Molecule is an immutable object). For instance, we can access the connectivity or geometry via:
>>> mol.geometry
array([2. , 2.09, 0. , 2.82, 2.09, 0.58, 1.18, 2.09, 0.58])
>>> mol.connectivity
array([(0, 1, 1.), (0, 2, 1.)], dtype=[('f0', '<i8'), ('f1', '<i8'), ('f2', '<f8')])
We can also access other attributes we did not explicitly specify such as atomic numbers and dimensionality:
>>> mol.atomic_numbers
array([8, 1, 1])
>>> mol.ndim
Certain physical properties such as geometry, velocities, masses, and molecular_charge have default units fields as well that can be set based on physically consistent and supported units available in pint. For example, we can access the defaul geometry unit (angstrom) or access all default units available in this model:
>>> mol.geometry_units
>>> mmelemental.models.Molecule.default_units
'masses_units': 'unified_atomic_mass_unit', 'molecular_charge_units': 'elementary_charge',
'formal_charges_units': 'elementary_charge', 'partial_charges_units': 'elementary_charge',
'geometry_units': 'angstrom', 'velocities_units': 'angstrom / femtosecond'
The instance method mol.units returns all stored units that were assigned to the object. For example:
>>> mol = mmelemental.models.Molecule(
>>> symbols = ["O", "H", "H"],
>>> geometry = [0.2, 0.209, 0.0, 0.282, 0.209, 0.58, 0.118, 0.209, 0.58],
>>> geometry_units = "nm",
>>> connectivity = [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0)],
>>> )
>>> mol
Molecule(name='H2O', hash='720bf3a')
In this case, we specified the geometry in nanometers, which is not the default geometry unit. Note how the hash code changed as well despite the fact that the molecule remains scientifically (but not programmatically) equivalent. Also note that mol.units != mol.default_units since the former has its geometry units in nanometers whereas mol.default_units is a function of only the model schema itself (and not any instant of the class).
In the next section, we will go over how molecules can be created from files, seralized, and written to files.
Topological data
A Topology model in MMElemental is a subset of Molecule which captures abstract information about a molecule’s connectivity. A Topology object does not, however, store particle positions. This model is particularly useful for efficiently storing trajectories generated from classical molecular dynamics, in which the connectivity of a molecule is constant while the particle positions change over time. We can create a Topology object from an existing molecule with the get_topology method as shown:
>>> top = mol.get_topology()
>>> top
Topology(name='top_from_mol', hash='6915dc7')
A Topology object can also be used to instantiate a Molecule object. For instance,
>>> mmelemental.models.Molecule(**top.dict(exclude={"schema_name"}))
Molecule(name='top_from_mol', hash='a5f83e3')
Notice that top.dict(exclude={“schema_name”}) extracts all populated fields and returns them in a python dictionary, excluding the schema_name (which is by default mmschema_molecule for molecules).
The Molecule and Topology models are applicable to any kind of particle systems i.e. the underlying object these models describe does not have to be atomic. The symbols property could for instance represent entities rather than atoms (although this will negate atomic properties such as atomic or mass numbers).
MMElemental performs data type validation on any constructed model. However, beyond basic validation and sanity checks, MMElemental does not perform any scientific validation. This is why non-atomic entities are supported for instance for coarse-graining, and this is what enables MMElemental to support a wide range of applications. For domain-specific (i.e. scientific) validation, MMElemental can theoretically make use of MMIC validators similarly to how it uses translators to parse/write various file formats.