
The collections submodule provides models that describe series of states.



The Trajectory model describes trajectories in classical molecular dynamics. Model creation occurs with a kwargs constructor as shown by equivalent operations below:

>>> traj = mmelemental.models.Trajectory(
        natoms = 1,
        nframes = 3,
        timestep = 1.0,
        timestep_units = "femtoseconds",
        geometry = [2.0, 2.09, 0.0, 2.82, 2.09, 0.58, 1.18, 2.09, 0.58],
        geometry_units = "angstrom"
>>> traj
 Trajectory(name=None, hash='da39a3e')

In addition, Trajectory provides from_data() and from_file() methods to create a trajectory from data (e.g. MDAnalysis.Universe) or file objects. The methods to_data() and to_file() enable converting a trajectory to data and file objects, respectively. See the API for more details. See the Trajectory tutorials for more in-depth examples.


class mmelemental.models.collect.trajectory.Trajectory(**data)[source]

Representation of trajectories in classical mechanics. By default, this model loads a single frame in memory.

  • schema_name (ConstrainedStrValue, Default: mmschema_trajectory) – The MMSchema specification to which this model conforms. Explicitly fixed as mmschema_trajectory.

  • schema_version (int, Default: 1) – The version number of schema_name to which this model conforms.

  • name (str, Optional) – Common or human-readable name to assign to this molecule. This field can be arbitrary; see identifiers for well-defined labels.

  • timestep (Union[Array, float]) – Timestep size. Default unit is femtoseconds.

  • timestep_units (str, Default: fs) – Timestep size units. Defaults to femtoseconds.

  • natoms (Union[int, Array]) – Number of atoms. A scalar for closed systems and an array for open (variable N) systems.

  • nframes (int) – Number of frames.

  • ndim (int, Default: 3) – Number of spatial dimensions.

  • top (Union[Topology, Topology], Optional) –

    A topological representation of a Molecule in MM. In addition to connectivity, this model contains data for particle

    symbols/labels, masses, and net charge. Useful for creating :class:Trajectory objects.

  • geometry (Array, Optional) – An ordered (natom*ndim*nframes,) array for XYZ atomic coordinates. Default unit is Angstrom. Storage is sequential in each dimension: [ x1o,…,xno, y1o,…,yno, z1o,…,zno, …, x1f,…,xnf, y1f,…,ynf, z1f,…,znf, ]

  • geometry_units (str, Default: angstrom) – Units for atomic geometry. Defaults to Angstroms.

  • velocities (Array, Optional) – An ordered (natoms*ndim*nframes,) array for XYZ atomic velocities. Default unit is Angstroms/femtoseconds.Storage is sequential in each dimension: [ x1o,…,xno, y1o,…,yno, z1o,…,zno, …, x1f,…,xnf, y1f,…,ynf, z1f,…,znf, ]

  • velocities_units (str, Default: angstrom/fs) – Units for atomic velocities. Defaults to Angstroms/femtoseconds.

  • forces (Array, Optional) – An ordered (natoms*ndim*nframes,) array for XYZ atomic forces. Default unit is kJ/mol*angstrom.Storage is sequential in each dimension: [ x1o,…,xno, y1o,…,yno, z1o,…,zno, …, x1f,…,xnf, y1f,…,ynf, z1f,…,znf, ]

  • forces_units (str, Default: kJ/(mol*angstrom)) – Units for atomic forces. Defaults to kJ/mol*angstrom.

  • provenance (Provenance, Default: {‘creator’: ‘MMElemental’, ‘version’: ‘v0.1.1’, ‘routine’: ‘mmelemental.models.collect.trajectory’}) – The provenance information about how this object (and its attributes) were generated, provided, and manipulated.

  • extras (Dict[Any], Optional) – Additional information to bundle with this object. Use for schema development and scratch space.

Return type


classmethod from_data(data, dtype=None, **kwargs)[source]

Constructs a Trajectory object from a data object.

  • data (Any) – Data to construct Molecule from

  • dtype (str, optional) – How to interpret the data. If not set, mmelemental attempts to discover this based on input type. Possible values: mdanalysis, mdraj, pytraj

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Additional kwargs to pass to the constructors. kwargs take precedence over data.

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –


A constructed Trajectory class.

Return type


classmethod from_file(traj_filename, top_filename=None, dtype=None, *, translator=None, all_frames=False, **kwargs)[source]

Constructs a Trajectory object from an input file.

  • traj_filename (str) – The atomic positions filename to read

  • top_filename (str, optional) – The topology i.e. connectivity filename to read

  • dtype (str, optional) – The type of file to interpret. If not set, mmelemental attempts to discover the file type.

  • translator (Optional[str], optional) – Translator name e.g. mmic_rdkit. Takes precedence over dtype. If unset, MMElemental attempts to find an appropriate translator if it is registered in the TransComponent class.

  • all_frames (bool, optional) – Reads all frames in memory.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Additional kwargs to pass to the constructors.


A constructed Trajectory class.

Return type



Returns geometry at a specific snapshot/frame.


frame (int) – Frame number ranges from 0 … nframes-1


Geometry 1D numpy array of length natoms * ndim

Return type



Returns the hash of a single frame in a trajectory.

to_data(dtype=None, *, translator=None, **kwargs)[source]

Converts Molecule to toolkit-specific molecule (e.g. rdkit, MDAnalysis, parmed).

  • dtype (str, optional) – The type of data object to convert to e.g. mdanalysis, rdkit, parmed, etc.

  • translator (Optional[str], optional) – Translator name e.g. mmic_rdkit. Takes precedence over dtype. If unset, MMElemental attempts to find an appropriate translator if it is registered in the TransComponent class.

  • **kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional) – Additional kwargs to pass to the constructor.

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –


Toolkit-specific molecule model

Return type


to_file(filename, dtype=None, *, translator=None, **kwargs)[source]

Writes the Trajectory to a file.

  • filename (str) – The filename to write to

  • dtype (str, optional) – The type of file to write, attempts to infer dtype from the filename if not provided.

  • translator (Optional[str], optional) – Translator name e.g. mmic_rdkit. Takes precedence over dtype. If unset, MMElemental attempts to find an appropriate translator if it is registered in the TransComponent class.

  • **kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional) – Additional kwargs to pass to the constructor.

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –

Return type
