.. _act_edit: ********************************** How to Edit a Submitted Deposition ********************************** .. note:: Before going through this document, make sure you know how to create an instance of the ``_DepositionActions`` class, **depo_act_obj**, by reviewing the :ref:`actions_howtos` guide. Let's consider a mock deposition in a Zenodo Sandbox account that has been already published. A published deposition can be easily identified with a green check mark and a blue publication date label with a version number in parentheses besides the title as shown below. .. figure:: ../../images/howtos/act_edit_1.png :align: center :alt: An already published mock deposition in a Zenodo account .. tip:: Hovering the mouse cursor on the deposition title shows its ID (1097408, in this case) on the status bar at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Next, click on the title to navigate to the deposition's content page .. figure:: ../../images/howtos/act_edit_2.png :align: center :alt: The content page of an already published mock deposition in a Zenodo account There is an orange **Edit** button at the top-right corner of the screen which allows you to "unlock" the state of the deposition by creating a temporary copy of the current "locked" published version for further modifications. The unlocked deposition, which can now be edited, is marked by a red upper-arrow (upload) icon near its title as shown below .. figure:: ../../images/howtos/act_edit_3.png :align: center :alt: A mock deposition in a draft state The aforementioned change from **published** to **draft** state can be programmatically performed in ``zenopy`` by calling the ``deposition_action()`` function on an instance of the ``_DepositionActions`` class and passing ``action = 'edit'`` as an argument >>> my_depo = depo_act_obj.deposition_action(id_=1097408, action='edit') >>> my_depo Now, we can inspect the contents of the record stored in the **my_repo** variable >>> my_depo.data Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor {'conceptdoi': '10.5072/zenodo.1095981', 'conceptrecid': '1095981', 'created': '2022-08-29T17:57:05.414428+00:00', 'doi': '10.5072/zenodo.1097408', 'doi_url': 'https://doi.org/10.5072/zenodo.1097408', 'files': [{'checksum': 'cd375ecc07df759665a323de96e06237', 'filename': 'sample2.txt', 'filesize': 23, 'id': '5dfbf589-a8f7-4853-81d8-1b03665f19bf', 'links': {'download': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/files/d3b3bacd-a973-4454-95f2-c7a4441e6d97/sample2.txt', 'self': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/deposit/depositions/1097408/files/5dfbf589-a8f7-4853-81d8-1b03665f19bf'}}], 'id': 1097408, 'links': {'badge': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/badge/doi/10.5072/zenodo.1097408.svg', 'bucket': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/files/d3b3bacd-a973-4454-95f2-c7a4441e6d97', 'conceptbadge': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/badge/doi/10.5072/zenodo.1095981.svg', 'conceptdoi': 'https://doi.org/10.5072/zenodo.1095981', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5072/zenodo.1097408', 'latest': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/records/1097408', 'latest_html': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/1097408', 'record': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/records/1097408', 'record_html': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/1097408'}, 'metadata': {'access_right': 'embargoed', 'creators': [{'name': 'Mostafanejad, Sina'}], 'description': 'This is a new description', 'doi': '10.5072/zenodo.1097408', ... 'owner': 123811, 'record_id': 1097408, 'state': 'inprogress', 'submitted': True, 'title': 'My New Title'} You can see the field ``state`` is now set to ``inprogress``. As such, you can treat the **my_depo** variable as a normal deposition object. .. seealso:: - :ref:`actions_howtos` - :ref:`deposition_howtos`