{% if not theme_logo.get("link") %} {% set href = pathto(root_doc) %} {% elif hasdoc(theme_logo.get("link")) %} {% set href = pathto(theme_logo.get("link")) %} {# internal page #} {% else %} {% set href = theme_logo.get("link") %} {# external url #} {% endif %} {# get all the brand information from html_theme_option #} {% set is_logo = logo or theme_logo.get("image_light") or theme_logo.get("image_dark") %} {% set image_light = theme_logo.get("molssi_light") or logo %} {% set image_dark = theme_logo.get("molssi_dark") or logo %} {% set image_light = image_light if image_light.startswith("http") else pathto('_static/' + image_light, 1) %} {% set image_dark = image_dark if image_dark.startswith("http") else pathto('_static/' + image_dark, 1) %} {% set alt = theme_logo.get("alt_text", "Logo image") %} {% set nsf_logo = pathto('_static/' + 'nsf.png', 1) %}

© Copyright 2019-2023 The Molecular Sciences Software Institute

Funded by the National Science Foundation OAC-1547580 and CHE-2136142.

{% if show_sphinx %}

{% trans sphinx_version=sphinx_version|e %}Created using Sphinx {{ sphinx_version }}.{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}

{% trans theme_version=theme_version|e %}Built with a customized PyData Sphinx Theme {{ theme_version }}.{% endtrans %}