Single Compute ============== QCEngine's primary purpose is to consume the MolSSI `QCSchema `_ and produce QCSchema results for a variety of quantum chemistry, semiempirical, and molecular mechanics programs. Single QCSchema representation comprises of a single ``energy``, ``gradient``, ``hessian``, or ``properties`` evaluation. Input Description ----------------- An input description has the following fields: - ``molecule`` - A QCSchema compliant dictionary or Molecule model. - ``driver`` - The ``energy``, ``gradient``, ``hessian``, or ``properties`` option. - ``model`` - A description of the evaluation model. For quantum chemistry this is typically ``method`` and ``basis``. However, non-quantum chemistry models are often a simple ``method`` as in ``method = 'UFF'`` for forcefield evaluation. - ``keywords`` - a dictionary of keywords to pass to the underlying program. These are program-specific keywords. An example input is as follows: .. code:: python >>> import qcengine as qcng >>> import qcelemental as qcel >>> mol = qcel.models.Molecule.from_data(""" >>> O 0.0 0.000 -0.129 >>> H 0.0 -1.494 1.027 >>> H 0.0 1.494 1.027 >>> """) >>> inp = qcel.models.AtomicInput( >>> molecule=mol, >>> driver="energy", >>> model={"method": "SCF", "basis": "sto-3g"}, >>> keywords={"scf_type": "df"} >>> ) Computation ----------- A single computation can be evaluated with the ``compute`` function as follows: .. code:: python >>> ret = qcng.compute(inp, "psi4") By default the job is given resources relating to the compute environment it is in; however, these variables can be overridden: .. code:: python >>> ret = qcng.compute(inp, "psi4", local_options={"memory": 2, "ncores": 3}) Results ------- The results contain a complete record of the computation: .. code:: python >>> ret.return_result -74.45994963230625 >>> [0.0, 0.0, 0.6635967188869244] >>> ret.provenance.cpu Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz Input Fields ------------- .. autopydantic_model:: qcelemental.models.AtomicInput :noindex: Returned Fields --------------- .. autopydantic_model:: qcelemental.models.AtomicResult :noindex: FAQ --- #. Where is scratch so I can access the CMS code's files? The QCArchive philosophy is that you shouldn't go looking in scratch for CMS-code-written files since the scratch directory is deleted automatically by QCEngine and even if preserved may be subject to autodeletion if run from a cluster. Instead, QCEngine brings back the primary input and output and any ancillary files from which it can harvest results. Whether these are returned to the user in ``AtomicResult`` can be controlled through protocols in the input like ``atomicinput.protocols.stdout = True`` and eventually ( ``atomicinput.protocols.native_files = "all"``. Nevertheless, you can, of course, access the scratch directory and CMS-code-written files. Pass an existing directory to the compute command (this directory will be parent) and tell it to not delete after the run: ``qcng.compute(..., local_options={"scratch_directory": "/existing/parent/dir", "scratch_messy": True})``. #. sdfs