Source code for qcengine.util

Several import utilities

import io
import json
import os
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union

    from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, ValidationError
except ImportError:
    from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from qcelemental.models import AtomicResult, FailedOperation, OptimizationResult

from qcengine.config import TaskConfig

from .config import LOGGER, get_provenance_augments
from .exceptions import InputError, QCEngineException

__all__ = ["compute_wrapper", "model_wrapper", "handle_output_metadata", "create_mpi_invocation", "execute"]

[docs]def create_mpi_invocation(executable: str, task_config: TaskConfig) -> List[str]: """Create the launch command for an MPI-parallel task Parameters ---------- executable: str Path to executable task_config: TaskConfig Specification for number of nodes, cores per node, etc. """ # Make the mpirun invocation mpirun_str = task_config.mpiexec_command.format( nnodes=task_config.nnodes, ranks_per_node=task_config.ncores // task_config.cores_per_rank, total_ranks=task_config.nnodes * task_config.ncores // task_config.cores_per_rank, cores_per_rank=task_config.cores_per_rank, ) command = mpirun_str.split() # Add in the desired executable command.append(executable) return command
[docs]def model_wrapper(input_data: Dict[str, Any], model: BaseModel) -> BaseModel: """ Wrap input data in the given model, or return a controlled error """ if isinstance(input_data, dict): try: input_data = model(**input_data) except ValidationError as exc: raise InputError( f"Error creating '{model.__name__}', data could not be correctly parsed:\n{str(exc)}" ) from None elif isinstance(input_data, model): input_data = input_data.copy() else: raise InputError("Input type of {} not understood.".format(type(model))) # Older QCElemental compat try: input_data.extras except AttributeError: input_data = input_data.copy(update={"extras": {}}) return input_data
@contextmanager def capture_stdout(): oldout, olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr try: out = [io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()] sys.stdout, sys.stderr = out yield out finally: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = oldout, olderr out[0] = out[0].getvalue() out[1] = out[1].getvalue()
[docs]@contextmanager def compute_wrapper(capture_output: bool = True, raise_error: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Wraps compute for timing, output capturing, and raise protection""" metadata = {"stdout": None, "stderr": None, "success": True, "retries": 0} # Start timer comp_time = time.time() # Capture stdout/err new_stdout = io.StringIO() new_stderr = io.StringIO() if capture_output: old_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_stdout old_stderr, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, new_stderr try: yield metadata # Canonical QCEngine, do not show traceback - return error except QCEngineException as exc: if raise_error: raise exc metadata["error_type"] = exc.error_type metadata["error_message"] = exc.error_message metadata["success"] = False # Unknown QCEngine exception likely in the Python layer, show traceback except Exception as exc: if raise_error: raise exc metadata["error_type"] = "unknown_error" metadata["error_message"] = "QCEngine Execution Error:\n" + traceback.format_exc() metadata["success"] = False # Place data metadata["wall_time"] = time.time() - comp_time if capture_output: sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr # Pull over values metadata["stdout"] = new_stdout.getvalue() or None metadata["stderr"] = new_stderr.getvalue() or None
[docs]def handle_output_metadata( output_data: Union[Dict[str, Any], "AtomicResult", "OptimizationResult", "FailedOperation"], metadata: Dict[str, Any], raise_error: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], "AtomicResult", "OptimizationResult", "FailedOperation"]: """ Fuses general metadata and output together. Parameters: output_data: The original output object to be fused with metadata metadata: Metadata produced by the compute_wrapper context manager raise_error: Raise an exception if errors exist (True) or return FailedOperation (False) return_dict: Return dictionary or object representation of data Returns ------- result : AtomicResult, OptimizationResult, FailedOperation, or dict representation of any one. Output type depends on return_dict or a dict if an error was generated in model construction """ if isinstance(output_data, dict): output_fusion = output_data # Error handling else: output_fusion = output_data.dict() # Do not override if computer generates output_fusion["stdout"] = output_fusion.get("stdout", None) or metadata["stdout"] output_fusion["stderr"] = output_fusion.get("stderr", None) or metadata["stderr"] if metadata["success"] is not True: output_fusion["success"] = False output_fusion["error"] = {"error_type": metadata["error_type"], "error_message": metadata["error_message"]} # Raise an error if one exists and a user requested a raise if raise_error and (output_fusion["success"] is not True): msg = "stdout:\n{}".format(output_fusion["stdout"]) msg += "\nstderr:\n{}".format(output_fusion["stderr"]) raise ValueError(output_fusion["error"]["error_message"]) # Fill out provenance datadata provenance_augments = get_provenance_augments() provenance_augments["wall_time"] = metadata["wall_time"] if "provenance" in output_fusion: output_fusion["provenance"].update(provenance_augments) else: # Add onto the augments with some missing info provenance_augments["creator"] = "QCEngine" provenance_augments["version"] = provenance_augments["qcengine_version"] output_fusion["provenance"] = provenance_augments if metadata["retries"] != 0: output_fusion["provenance"]["retries"] = metadata["retries"] # Make sure pydantic sparsity is upheld for val in ["stdout", "stderr"]: if output_fusion[val] is None: output_fusion.pop(val) # We need to return the correct objects; e.g. Results, Procedures if output_fusion["success"]: # This will only execute if everything went well ret = output_data.__class__(**output_fusion) else: # Should only be reachable on failures ret = FailedOperation( success=output_fusion.pop("success", False), error=output_fusion.pop("error"), input_data=output_fusion ) if return_dict: return json.loads(ret.json()) # Use Pydantic to serialize, then reconstruct as Python dict of Python Primals else: return ret
def terminate_process(proc: Any, timeout: int = 15) -> None: if proc.poll() is None: # Sigint (keyboard interupt) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): proc.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) else: proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) try: start = time.time() while (proc.poll() is None) and (time.time() < (start + timeout)): time.sleep(0.02) # Flat kill finally: proc.kill() @contextmanager def popen( args: List[str], append_prefix: bool = False, popen_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, pass_output_forward: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Opens a background task Code and idea from dask.distributed's testing suite Parameters ---------- args: List[str] Input arguments for the command append_prefix: bool Whether to prepend the Python path prefix to the command being executed popen_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] Any keyword arguments to use when launching the process pass_output_forward: bool Whether to pass the stdout and stderr forward to the system's stdout and stderr Returns ------- exe: dict Dictionary with the following keys: <ul> <li>proc: Popen object describing the background task</li> <li>stdout: String value of the standard output of the task</li> <li>stdeer: String value of the standard error of the task</li> </ul> """ args = list(args) if popen_kwargs is None: popen_kwargs = {} else: popen_kwargs = popen_kwargs.copy() # Bin prefix if sys.platform.startswith("win"): bin_prefix = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Scripts") else: bin_prefix = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin") # Do we prefix with Python? if append_prefix: args[0] = os.path.join(bin_prefix, args[0]) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # Allow using CTRL_C_EVENT / CTRL_BREAK_EVENT popen_kwargs["creationflags"] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP # Route the standard error and output popen_kwargs["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE popen_kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE # Prepare StringIO objects to store the stdout and stderr stdout = io.BytesIO() stderr = io.BytesIO() # Launch the process"Popen", args, popen_kwargs) # Ready the output ret = {"proc": subprocess.Popen(args, **popen_kwargs)} # Spawn threads that will read from the stderr/stdout # The PIPE uses a buffer with finite capacity. The underlying # process will stall if it is unable to write to the buffer # because the buffer is full. These threads continuously read # from the buffers to ensure that they do not fill. # def read_from_buffer(buffer: BinaryIO, storage: io.BytesIO, sysio: TextIO): for r in iter(partial(, 1024), b""): storage.write(r) if pass_output_forward: sysio.write(r.decode()) stdout_reader = Thread(target=read_from_buffer, args=(ret["proc"].stdout, stdout, sys.stdout)) stdout_reader.start() stderr_reader = Thread(target=read_from_buffer, args=(ret["proc"].stderr, stderr, sys.stderr)) stderr_reader.start() # Yield control back to the main thread try: yield ret except Exception: raise finally: # Executes on an exception or once the context manager closes try: terminate_process(ret["proc"]) finally: # Wait for the reader threads to finish stdout_reader.join() stderr_reader.join() # Retrieve the standard output for the process ret["stdout"] = stdout.getvalue().decode() ret["stderr"] = stderr.getvalue().decode() @contextmanager def environ_context(config: Optional["TaskConfig"] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Dict[str, str]: """Temporarily set environment variables inside the context manager and fully restore previous environment afterwards. Parameters ---------- config : Optional[TaskConfig], optional Automatically sets MKL/OMP num threads based off the input config. env : Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional A dictionary of environment variables to update. Yields ------ Dict[str, str] The updated environment variables. """ temporary_env = {} if config: temporary_env["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(config.ncores) temporary_env["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = str(config.ncores) if env: temporary_env.update(env) original_env = {key: os.getenv(key) for key in temporary_env} os.environ.update(temporary_env) try: yield temporary_env finally: for key, value in original_env.items(): if value is None: del os.environ[key] else: os.environ[key] = value
[docs]def execute( command: List[str], infiles: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, outfiles: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, as_binary: Optional[List[str]] = None, scratch_name: Optional[str] = None, scratch_directory: Optional[str] = None, scratch_suffix: Optional[str] = None, scratch_messy: bool = False, scratch_exist_ok: bool = False, blocking_files: Optional[List[str]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, interupt_after: Optional[int] = None, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, shell: Optional[bool] = False, exit_code: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> Tuple[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Runs a process in the background until complete. Returns True if exit code <= exit_code (default 0) Parameters ---------- command : list of str infiles : Dict[str] = str Input file names (names, not full paths) and contents. to be written in scratch dir. May be {}. outfiles : List[str] = None Output file names to be collected after execution into values. May be {}. as_binary : List[str] = None Keys of `infiles` or `outfiles` to be treated as bytes. scratch_name : str, optional Passed to temporary_directory scratch_directory : str, optional Passed to temporary_directory scratch_suffix : str, optional Passed to temporary_directory scratch_messy : bool, optional Passed to temporary_directory scratch_exist_ok : bool, optional Passed to temporary_directory blocking_files : list, optional Files which should stop execution if present beforehand. timeout : int, optional Stop the process after n seconds. interupt_after : int, optional Interupt the process (not hard kill) after n seconds. environment : dict, optional The environment to run in shell : bool, optional Run command through the shell. exit_code: int, optional The exit code above which the process is considered failure. Raises ------ FileExistsError If any file in `blocking` is present Examples -------- # execute multiple commands in same dir >>> success, dexe = qcng.util.execute(['command_1'], infiles, [], scratch_messy=True) >>> success, dexe = qcng.util.execute(['command_2'], {}, outfiles, scratch_messy=False, scratch_name=Path(dexe['scratch_directory']).name, scratch_exist_ok=True) """ # Format inputs if infiles is None: infiles = {} if outfiles is None: outfiles = [] outfiles = {k: None for k in outfiles} # Check for blocking files if blocking_files is not None: for fl in blocking_files: if os.path.isfile(fl): raise FileExistsError("Existing file can interfere with execute operation.", fl) # Format popen popen_kwargs = {} if environment is not None: popen_kwargs["env"] = {k: v for k, v in environment.items() if v is not None} # Execute with temporary_directory( child=scratch_name, parent=scratch_directory, messy=scratch_messy, exist_ok=scratch_exist_ok, suffix=scratch_suffix, ) as scrdir: popen_kwargs["cwd"] = scrdir popen_kwargs["shell"] = shell with disk_files(infiles, outfiles, cwd=scrdir, as_binary=as_binary) as extrafiles: with popen(command, popen_kwargs=popen_kwargs) as proc: # Wait for the subprocess to complete or the timeout to expire if interupt_after is None: proc["proc"].wait(timeout=timeout) else: time.sleep(interupt_after) terminate_process(proc["proc"]) retcode = proc["proc"].poll() proc["outfiles"] = extrafiles proc["scratch_directory"] = scrdir return retcode <= exit_code, proc
@contextmanager def temporary_directory( child: str = None, *, parent: str = None, suffix: str = None, messy: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False ) -> str: """Create and cleanup a quarantined working directory with a parent scratch directory. Parameters ---------- child : str, optional By default, `None`, quarantine directory generated through `tempfile.mdktemp` so guaranteed unique and safe. When specified, quarantine directory has exactly `name`. parent : str, optional Create directory `child` elsewhere than TMP default. For TMP default, see suffix : str, optional Create `child` with identifying label by passing to ``tempfile.mkdtemp``. Encouraged use for debugging only. messy : bool, optional Leave scratch directory and contents on disk after completion. exist_ok : bool, optional Run commands in a possibly pre-existing directory. Yields ------ str Full path of scratch directory. Raises ------ FileExistsError If `child` specified and directory already exists (perhaps from a previous `messy=True` run). Examples -------- parent child suffix --> creates ------ ----- ------ ------- None None None --> /tmp/tmpliyp1i7x/ None None _anharm --> /tmp/tmpliyp1i7x_anharm/ None myqcjob None --> /tmp/myqcjob/ /scratch/johndoe None None --> /scratch/johndoe/tmpliyp1i7x/ /scratch/johndoe myqcjob None --> /scratch/johndoe/myqcjob/ """ if child is None: tmpdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=parent, suffix=suffix)) else: if parent is None: parent = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) else: parent = Path(parent) tmpdir = parent / child try: os.mkdir(tmpdir) except FileExistsError: if exist_ok: pass else: raise try: yield tmpdir finally: if not messy: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)"... Removing {tmpdir}") @contextmanager def disk_files( infiles: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]], outfiles: Dict[str, None], *, cwd: Optional[str] = None, as_binary: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]]: """Write and collect files. Parameters ---------- infiles : Dict[str] = str Input file names (names, not full paths) and contents. to be written in scratch dir. May be {}. outfiles : Dict[str] = None Output file names to be collected after execution into values. May be {}. cwd : str, optional Directory to which to write and read files. as_binary : List[str] = None Keys in `infiles` (`outfiles`) to be written (read) as bytes, not decoded. Yields ------ Dict[str] = str outfiles with RHS filled in. """ if cwd is None: lwd = Path.cwd() else: lwd = Path(cwd) if as_binary is None: as_binary = [] assert set(as_binary) <= (set(infiles) | set(outfiles)) try: for fl, content in infiles.items(): omode = "wb" if fl in as_binary else "w" filename = lwd / fl if filename.parent != lwd: filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with as fp: fp.write(content)"... Writing ({omode}): {filename}") yield outfiles finally: for fl in outfiles.keys(): omode = "rb" if fl in as_binary else "r" try: filename = lwd / fl with open(filename, omode) as fp: outfiles[fl] ="... Writing ({omode}): {filename}") except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): if "*" in fl: gfls = {} for gfl in lwd.glob(fl): with open(gfl, omode) as fp: gfls[] ="... Writing ({omode}): {gfl}") if not gfls: gfls = None outfiles[fl] = gfls else: outfiles[fl] = None