Source code for qcengine.compute

Integrates the computes together
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from qcelemental.models import AtomicInput, AtomicResult, FailedOperation, OptimizationResult

from .config import get_config
from .exceptions import InputError, RandomError
from .procedures import get_procedure
from .programs import get_program
from .util import compute_wrapper, environ_context, handle_output_metadata, model_wrapper

        from pydantic.v1.main import BaseModel
    except ImportError:
        from pydantic.main import BaseModel
    from qcelemental.models import AtomicResult

__all__ = ["compute", "compute_procedure"]

def _process_failure_and_return(model, return_dict, raise_error):
    if isinstance(model, FailedOperation):
        if raise_error:
            raise InputError(model.error.error_message)
        elif return_dict:
            return model.dict()
            return model
        return False

[docs]def compute( input_data: Union[Dict[str, Any], "AtomicInput"], program: str, raise_error: bool = False, task_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, local_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, return_dict: bool = False, ) -> Union["AtomicResult", "FailedOperation", Dict[str, Any]]: """Executes a single CMS program given a QCSchema input. The full specification can be found at: Parameters ---------- input_data A QCSchema input specification in dictionary or model from QCElemental.models program The CMS program with which to execute the input. raise_error Determines if compute should raise an error or not. retries : int, optional The number of random tries to retry for. task_config A dictionary of local configuration options corresponding to a TaskConfig object. local_options Deprecated parameter, renamed to ``task_config`` return_dict Returns a dict instead of qcelemental.models.AtomicResult Returns ------- result AtomicResult, FailedOperation, or Dict representation of either object type A QCSchema representation of the requested output, type depends on return_dict key. """ output_data = input_data.copy() # lgtm [py/multiple-definition] with compute_wrapper(capture_output=False, raise_error=raise_error) as metadata: # Grab the executor and build the input model executor = get_program(program) # Build the model and validate input_data = model_wrapper(input_data, AtomicInput) # Build out task_config if task_config is None: task_config = {} if local_options: warnings.warn( "Using the `local_options` keyword argument is deprecated in favor of using `task_config`, " "in version 0.30.0 it will stop working.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) task_config = {**local_options, **task_config} input_engine_options = input_data.extras.pop("_qcengine_local_config", {}) task_config = {**task_config, **input_engine_options} config = get_config(task_config=task_config) # Set environment parameters and execute with environ_context(config=config): # Handle optional retries for x in range(config.retries + 1): try: output_data = executor.compute(input_data, config) break except RandomError as e: if x == config.retries: raise e else: metadata["retries"] += 1 except: raise return handle_output_metadata(output_data, metadata, raise_error=raise_error, return_dict=return_dict)
[docs]def compute_procedure( input_data: Union[Dict[str, Any], "BaseModel"], procedure: str, raise_error: bool = False, task_config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, local_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, return_dict: bool = False, ) -> Union["OptimizationResult", "FailedOperation", Dict[str, Any]]: """Runs a procedure (a collection of the quantum chemistry executions) Parameters ---------- input_data : dict or qcelemental.models.OptimizationInput A JSON input specific to the procedure executed in dictionary or model from QCElemental.models procedure : {"geometric", "berny"} The name of the procedure to run raise_error : bool, option Determines if compute should raise an error or not. task_config A dictionary of local configuration options corresponding to a TaskConfig object. local_options Deprecated parameter, renamed to ``task_config`` return_dict : bool, optional, default True Returns a dict instead of qcelemental.models.AtomicInput Returns ------ dict, OptimizationResult, FailedOperation A QC Schema representation of the requested output, type depends on return_dict key. """ # Build out task_config if task_config is None: task_config = {} if local_options: warnings.warn( "Using the `local_options` keyword argument is depreciated in favor of using `task_config`, " "in version 0.30.0 it will stop working.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) task_config = {**local_options, **task_config} output_data = input_data.copy() # lgtm [py/multiple-definition] with compute_wrapper(capture_output=False, raise_error=raise_error) as metadata: # Grab the executor and build the input model executor = get_procedure(procedure) config = get_config(task_config=task_config) input_data = executor.build_input_model(input_data) # Create a base output data in case of errors output_data = input_data.copy() # lgtm [py/multiple-definition] # Set environment parameters and execute with environ_context(config=config): output_data = executor.compute(input_data, config) return handle_output_metadata(output_data, metadata, raise_error=raise_error, return_dict=return_dict)